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15 AUGUST 2022

Understanding our users

An image of users discussion around a round table

At OVACTech, our goal is to employ blockchain technology to address interoperability problems. Since 2021, when we first began, we have done this by first recognising all of the problems that service users face and then developing our system to solve those problems.


However, as we proceed, we want to do more than just address the current issues caused by lack of system interoperability that hinders communication between agencies and across organisations. The best features or functions are those that get rid of problems you weren't even aware you had!


Recognising unmet needs


We do qualitative and quantitative research to recognise and comprehend the hidden needs of various service users. This provides us with deep insights into how people handle inter-agency and inter-organisation communication, data, information, and security risks encountered in transfer of information. We then utilise this to inform and prioritise our roadmap.


Interviews with users


We've also conducted in-depth interviews with users to learn about their service journeys and pain points experienced. This is an act we want to continue from now till further phases of development and continuous improvement as it’s a critical element for our growth.

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